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Designing a Website for Your Business

September 22, 2020


Where would we be without the World Wide Web and all it brings to our desktop computers and mobile devices? I shudder when I think about a world without the Web even though I'm old enough to remember life before it. Pssst! I know I just dated myself, but please don't tell anyone my secret. We have become so dependent upon this massive web of information it's hard to image any business existing without one.


So, you're an entrepreneur with a limited budget, but you know you need a web presence, and your first thought is designing a website. That's a great first thought! In my professional opinion, a website is the most important marketing tool in your 'Marketing Toolbox.'


So how do you get started? Great question! Here's a simple infographic, which tells you how to do it in four steps. I can hear the uncertainty in your voice now..."Only four steps?" Well, these four steps are very involved, so be prepared to do some real work when it comes to designing the website--there are no shortcuts if you DIY. On average my company spends 30 business days designing a website. To achieve maximum results be prepared to work hard.


Check out this infographic, and happy designing! 





Encouraging SB Owners to 'Hang in There' During this Pandemic

July 6, 2020


Many of us small business owners have been wondering what will happen to our business as we navigate through this unprecedented time in the 21st century. I'm sure I speak for many SB owners who were constantly trying to figure out how to stay in business before Covid-19 and even more so now during the pandemic. It's a scary time in America and the world for the small business owner.


I've been in business since 2012, and I've faced many challenges--most of them financial. Yet, I've managed to hold onto to the business despite the challenges. With this new challenge we're all facing, I wasn't sure if this would be the end or not. I'm so happy to report my business has completed two website contracts this month. I began both projects in June 2020 and wrapped up in July. As you can see from the images, I worked with two extraordinary women who are SB owners too.


Dr. Brittany Harris is a licensed chiropractor in the DC Metro Area and beyond--she needed her website redesigned. Dr. Harris created the first DIY design herself, but then she hired me to improve the website and ensure best practices are in place. I accomplished the task and hopefully improved her online presence to generate even more business for her practice in the future. Dr. Harris is pleased with the redesign and is looking forward to growth in her practice.


Web Feet CommunicationsWebsite Design Infographic

Encouraging Small Business Owners, Cont'd


Dr. Elisse Barnes, JD, PhD, is a social media instructor. Dr. Barnes considers herself a LinkedN Driving Instructor for more mature adults who need to learn how to navigate LinkedIn to find a job, volunteer for an organization, etc. She has created numerous training programs to help this special group of people improve their social media skill set. Dr. Barnes has been on her journey for many years without a strong online presence outside of LinkedIn. She contacted me to design a professional curriculum vitae (CV) to enhance her online presence. I'm happy to say I completed the design for her, and she is very pleased with the end result. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to create this design for her. She is the second partner to enlist my service for my newest website design service--my husband was the first. Disclaimer: Dr. Barnes' training programs are not affiliated with LinkedIn.


So, even during a global pandemic, my business has not bit the dust. For those struggling SB owners who may be reading my article, please don't give up. You may need to change the course for your small business, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. In my opinion, embracing change is what keeps life interesting. But if the worst case scenario should happen for any of us, please remember this, if we did it before we can do it again!


Good luck to all small business owners! We're in this together.

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