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Web Feet Communications works tirelessly to design websites that are inspired by the client and strategically design to promote the web presence for its clients  The target audience includes the small church, professional business, and nonprofit organization—the underdog. Why the focus on the 'little guy?' Simply put, these groups deserves a stellar website just like a Fortune 500 company that has the capital to build a robust website. A bank account should not limit growth in a business or hinder awareness for a nonprofit. 

Below are examples of two websites WFC redesigned. The first example is a small medical practice. The website was originally designed by the doctor who owns the practice.  After supporting this site for a year, she realized the site design could be more robust. We audited the website to improve the site's navigation, improve the optimization and added a video to improve the visual assets on the site. Vines Film and Media produced the video which highlights the the doctor's chiropractic practice. 


The second example is a medium-sized church that needed a redesign to include live streaming because of the pandemic lock down in 2020. They also needed to improve the user experience because the previous website was cumbersome and no longer mobile-responsive.  Working in conjunction with Gray Works Technologies, WFC audited the website to improve the site's navigation, improve the optimization and designed a live streaming element for the weekly sermons, Bible Study, etc. This design also boasts other design elements the church can use to promote its events and community presence.

DMV Mobile Chiro is closed temporarily. 

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